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Knowledge of one’s self, the world and their interdependence is strengthened through discussion, contemplation and an integranted program and curriculum. Participants become aware that they are not isolated independent entities, but rather are a part of the intricate network of life. 


From the perspective of UNIVERSAL MANDALA, there are two interconnected ways. 


With the first trying to get a clear, undistorted, nature of reality, understanding the interconnectedness of all phenomena. This view eliminates the erroneous notion that the elements of our experience are solid, autonomous entities that are separate and independent of all existence. This misconception is largely responsible for the alienation and fragmentation that plagues our world today, but it can be weaken and eventually overcome by generating the wisdom based on the interdependent nature of the world we live.


Our model, focuses on the exploration of the essential and universal principles that lead us to the knowledge of our own psychology and the way things exist and how we perceive it, and the interconnection and interdependenceamong all that, and the omnipresent cause and effect law, the permanence of change and the nature of the mind, emotions, and the transformation of these ... to get us in an organic and natural way, consciously and meaningful, to take charge of the life we really want to live, contributing thereby to be active designers of a wiser and more compassionate world .... a happier world ..​

Reflections from the founder
Reflexiones de la Fundadora

Belén Köhler

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